Don’t get scammed by fake products and services for coronavirus
Unfortunately, in times of crisis, there are always scammers trying to take advantage of the situation. The current outbreak of the novel coronavirus is no different. You may see the following advertisements or solicitations on the internet, by email or in person:
- Advertisements for vaccinations, medications or ineffective health products (herbal teas, supplements, oils or ointments) to treat coronavirus.
- Unexplained or unauthorized laboratory tests or prescriptions appearing on your Explanation of Benefits statement. This could be caused by identity theft or medical fraud.
- Emails about coronavirus that can contain computer viruses (don’t open attachments from unknown senders).
- Phone calls asking for your member ID/bank account information for free testing/services.
- Door to door solicitation for testing and prescribing.
Don’t take the bait. Pay attention to local and federal authorities. Watch the news. If you think a message could be a scam, it probably is. If someone says they are from Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield, hang up and call our customer service number on the back of your member ID card. If the call did come from one of our customer service representatives, we should have a record of the call.
Resources for Health Advantage
24/7, free consultation with a registered nurse
- Fully Insured, Arkansas Blue Cross Employees, AR State Police: 800-318-2384
- Arkansas State Employees / Public School Employees: 866-458-0408
Virtual Health
Access to medical help through your smartphone, tablet, and/or computer when unable to see your primary care physician.
Chronic Care Advocacy Program
Enrollees can contact case managers 8 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Case Management
Enrollees can contact case managers 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Members not enrolled in case management who would like to speak to a registered nurse about COVID-19 or any healthcare needs can call 800-225-1891.